Pagoda Network
What to think about:
When will people use the handbook?
Who will use the handbook?
Top priorities?
What do we need to do to make sure Pagoda continues its momentum?
Define nodes and pods
How to start/register a node with pogada
How to start/join a pod
How to contribute?
What resources will Pagoda provide? What is the role of Pagoda from a node's perspective?
Centralized <> Decentralized -> what are the phases? and how do we think about it now?
Welcome to the Handbook for the Pagoda Network. This is where we document the formal agreements that we collectively developed to govern ourselves.
This is our first time making formal agreements as a community, so we expect that the policies here will be updated frequently as we learn what works. If something seems weird or wrong, let’s talk about it: just add comments to this doc.
Introducing Pagoda
Pagoda exists for people to support each other to do more meaningful work.
Pagoda is a community ---- Pagoda starts as a humble assemblage of Asian web3/Ethereum ecosystem builders, thinkers and leaders. We aspire to be a resilient and interoperable support network that provides change-makers in political, economic, technological, and spiritual sectors with an alternative lifestyle and career path focused on humanitarian care across Asia.
We’re cultivating high trust relationships through peer support & mutual care, so that people grow & develop, to be better equipped for doing meaningful work in the world.
In other words, people who spend time in Pagoda tend to develop a sense of belonging, grow more emotional maturity, develop skills & confidence, and find new opportunities to make a beneficial contribution to the world. Our approach puts people before projects. Trust is our priority, and we’re gradually aligning our livelihood with our values.
The first Pagoda gathering was held under this vision statement : "we gather to weave the diverse threads of Asia's cultures and philosophies into a united tapestry of Ethereum aiming to shape a decentralized world that honors our shared heritage and distinct voices. "
About This Handbook
This Handbook's primary audience is Pagodians, but it will be publicly available for others who might find it useful. The goal is to give everyone in the network as much clarity and context as possible, while sharing our structures and practices with the outside world as well.
Our handbook is designed as an always relevant living document. The handbook is constantly changing, and certain links point towards internal documents which contain the most up-to-date information. If you see something that could be improved: that's your invitation to improve it!
The book is broken up into chapters and sub-chapters. The chapters are:
Agreements are the official legislation that governs the Pagoda network. Changing these requires a formal process.
Guides explain in practical terms how we do stuff, Any Pagodians can change these.
Nodes lists the formal Pagoda nodes across Aisa, including physical nodes, DAO, online communities, and more.
Pods are where we do work on the network.
Archive compiles outdated info from previous iterations of this handbook for future reference.
All the content on this site is published with a CC-BY-SA license. So please use it however you like without asking permission: just give credit, and use the same license for derivative works.
Last updated